Listening Activity: Free Audiobooks with Hoopla


A screenshot from the Hoopla app that shows colorful covers of children's books

Lately when I get into the car with my children (currently almost 3 and almost 1), I’ve been wanting an alternative to turning on the radio. My kids aren’t interested in most of the podcasts on my list, although we do listen to them now and then. Recently though I started to wonder–why aren’t we listening to audiobooks? We know … Read More

Mommy, you hear that sound?

bridgetPosts, Standard

This is one my toddler’s favorite questions lately…”Mommy, you hear dat sound?” It’s partly an echo of something I often say to him–“Honey, I hear you.” Anyone with a toddler knows they like to ask the same question over and over again, and so my kiddo hears the response a lot. “Yes honey, I hear you, you really want to … Read More