Broken Eggshells and Stained Kitchen Carpet

bridgetPosts, Standard

You read that right…we have carpet in our circa 1985 kitchen, which is why I had the egg dyeing kit in my cart at Aldi for a hot second before I started having visions. You know what I’m talking about…at first you have such ideal visions of doing a baking project with your offspring. Your child, smiling, lifts an evenly … Read More

Mommy, you hear that sound?

bridgetPosts, Standard

This is one my toddler’s favorite questions lately…”Mommy, you hear dat sound?” It’s partly an echo of something I often say to him–“Honey, I hear you.” Anyone with a toddler knows they like to ask the same question over and over again, and so my kiddo hears the response a lot. “Yes honey, I hear you, you really want to … Read More